1. 110 Volt DC in train,
  2. Battery in Train,
  3. Why to write left here and Side filling in train Couch,
  4. Left here in train,
  5. Side Filling in Train,
  6. Water Tank in train,
  7. AC in train,
  8. AC power Supply in train (Generator car in train),
  9. Pantry car in train,
  10. Toilet in train,
  11. General and Sleeper couch in train (Different between general and sleeper couch),
  12. Coupling in train,
  13. Screw coupler,
  14. Side buffer,
  15. CBC Coupling,
  16. X and LV on Train,
  17. Roof Ventilator in train,
Friends, you are going to know a lot about train and coach in this blog. This blog will be a bit long, but this blog is going to give you a lot of useful information, So let's know about the train coach.

The fans, bulbs etc. installed in the train run on 110V DC, The reason for supplying 110V DC in the train was to prevent theft, and in their homes they could only make AC 220V or DC 5,12,24 volts, and that's why the railways installed 110V things in the train to prevent theft, So even if a thief steals something, it is of no use to him, why doesn't his house have 110V DC supply. And to run these fans, bulbs in the train, the supply has to come from the batteries installed under the coach of the train.

An indicator like this is taken to check the strength of the coach, you must have seen such indicators installed in the train, and in it the Green light means whether the battery is absolutely correct, and the Yellow light means whether the battery is charged. is happening, and the Red light means that the battery is discharged or low,

When a coach of a train has to be repaired, the coach of the train is lifted from the place written on the left here and the bogie is moved to the side, if the coach is lifted from any other place, there is no problem with the coach of the train. Maybe a part of it can be broken, So LEFT HERE is written, that the workers can know whether the coach of the train has to be lifted from here. is taken.

From the Side filling place, there is a place to fill water in the tank of the train, this water goes on the roof of the coach and in the tank, there are 4 water tanks in a coach, two on one side and two on one side, in one tank 500 liters of water falls and there are 4 water tanks in a coach that is 2000 liters of water and it takes 20 minutes to fill these tanks.

The facility of filling water in the train tank is not available at every railway station, it is at some big railway station. Friends, the meaning of writing side filling or any other kind of information is that the train should not be a waste of time, nothing should be wasted, and the person responsible for the work should take that thing and do his work. AC coach of General Train is filled with water at the bottom and non-AC coach is filled with water on the upper side.

The coaches of the train which have AC are slightly outside the side as you see in this image, 

and the train which does not have AV are equal to the side as you see in this image.

The water tank of the train which does not have the water tank on the top is fatted here, as you can see, these are the water tanks that look like two drum cylinders.

And these trains are equipped with AC, they are called RMPU (Roof mounted package unit), there are 2 AC in a coach, both of them are installed on the upper side of the door and one AC is of 7 Tan, known as 14 tan load, these AC run on 415 volt 3 Phase supply and this supply is given by Generator.

AC Power Supply in train (Generator car in train)
The blue colored ICF coach used to have an Alternator installed inside it to generate electricity, due to which its speed was reduced, So in the modern LPG coach, a three phase generator was installed in place of the alternator, this Generator is AC 750 volts, Which is three phase AC current. And friends, now you will say that AC runs on 415 volts and this generator makes 750 volts, friends, these transformers are very long and when the volts reach AC, they remain around 415.

Pentry Car in The Train:
In long journey trains there is a Pantry car in which food is prepared, Across all these trains there are also trains which do not have a pantry car. In those trains, On-board catering means in big stations prepared food is taken and kept. And the same food is distributed among the traveling passengers. 

General and Sleeper couch in train:
You stand near the door of the first and last coach of the train, these Yellow lines are seen, these lines indicate the General coach, Another sign of a general coach is that it has three doors, this coach has three doors. The doors are moved so that the crowd inside the coach can get out quickly. 
And friends, general coaches are taken at the last and beginning of the train, and AC is taken on the Sleeper coach in the middle, the sleeper coach has only two doors, the reason for this is to reduce the seat space, if there are 3 doors, then the seats in the coach will be reduced, and the second sleeper coach is connected to each other. Stays are connected with similar plastic covers to connect them, So you can move from one coach to another, and general coaches are not linked to sleeper coaches.

Coupling in train, (CBC Coupling, Screw coupler, Side buffer)
Friends, coach coaches of railways are painted with Yellow color from the side, and some coaches are not painted, this is because it shows coupling, What is coupling?
Coupling is used to connect two coaches,
Screw coupling was used to connect the early blue coaches, where the two coaches were joined together with the help of a hook and tightened with a single screw. There was a problem of coaches running over other coaches, and then such side buffers were used to prevent these collisions. There are springs in the side buffers. When the train stopped, the side buffers made of springs would tire each other. And they prevent the train coaches from running over each other, across again there was another problem, the train coaches used to get jolted, but then the railways thought it was a waste of iron in the sub, So the railways yellowed it. Belted coaches were brought, and its name was changed to CBC (Center Buffer Coupler), and all the modern LHB coaches will not have side buffers, they have center buffer couplings, that is, in the middle of it, the spring Coupling is added on top of that, knowing that it keeps the coach together and also prevents the coach from moving, in this image you can see where the coupling is and where the buffer is.

This thick part is of the coupling, it does the work of connecting the coach and this back part is of the buffer. is considered to be the best. 
Due to this, the coaches of the train cannot climb over each other and the train cannot be destabilized, so the corner of the coach of the train in which the CBC system is installed is colored yellow, and the coach in which the CBC system is installed is colored yellow. There is no system, it is not painted. CBC system is being installed in the coaches of the new generation that are coming, and the CBC system of the new generation is being installed in the place of the side buffer in the coaches of the old generation that have been purchased and have not yet expired, and the corners of the coaches in which this system is installed are being painted with yellow color so that it can be known which system is installed in this coach.

Toilet in train:
Friends, the toilet of the first generation used to have an Open discharge system, if anyone went to the toilet or bathroom, it would fall on the direct track, due to this, the train track would get rusted, and secondly, when the train stopped at the railway station. , at that time, if someone used the toilet or bathroom, dirt would get there, it was cleaned at the big stations, but at the smaller stations, there was no cleaning, and to avoid this, the railway closed the open discharge system. Given, and came up with the Control Discharge System, called CDTS in short, this system stores the toilet wastes inside and a system is put into it until the train speed reaches 30 Until then it will not take out the waste stage, and when the train driver moves the train to a station or away from an area, he increases the speed of the train by 30 KM per hour and whatever waste is in it is taken out, Goes out. 
But then in 2011 D.R.D.O made Bio toilet with the help of bacteria, boi toilet is installed in every coach nowadays which is installed on the back side of the coach of the train.

It consists of several parts, and contains various bacteria and organisms and sends it to D.R.D.O.
How it works?
It breaks down the toilet and bathroom into small pieces, decomposes them, and they go out as gas, there is no maintenance and no dirt on the track. Will get rusted etc. Since 2011 only bio toilet is used in train coaches, bio toilet also has a drawback if any kind of garbage gets into it it will not work properly, So you too Do not throw garbage etc. in the toilet of the train as your duty to the society.

Number of coach:
You must have seen such numbers written on the coach of the train,

It consists of five letters, the first two digits indicate the year of manufacture of this coach, and the last three digits indicate the type of coach.
As 12442 and 08437 are written in this image, 12 and 08 indicate whether one coach was built in 2012 and another in 2008, and the last 3 letters indicate which category this coach belongs to.

Consider these numbers for reference,
AC (air-conditioning) coaches from 1 to 200,
201 to 400 denote sleeper coaches,
Coaches 601 to 700 are for chaircars,
Coaches from 701 to 800 describe Seeling cum Logic,

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